Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa

Inuit in Ottawa have experienced very high levels of historical trauma due to colonial policies
such as residential schools and forced relocation. Current discriminatory practices, including
racism in social services, health care and high levels of child protection agency involvement
contribute to an ongoing cycle of poverty and trauma. Additional barriers to health care,
documented in this report, contribute to a high burden of chronic disease and physical and
emotional pain. Read our reports for the full summary of the project and key findings.

Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa Report

Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa Report translated into Inuktitut

Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa Community Report – Appendix A: Governing Council MOU

Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa Community Report – Appendix B: TI Research Roles, Responsibilities and Activities

Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa Community Report – Appendix C: Data Sharing Agreement

Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa Community Report – Appendix D: Adult and Child Survey Tools

Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa Community Report – Appendix E: Inuit Concept Mapping Brainstorming Statements