Our Health Counts
Project Title: “Our Health Counts” Urban Aboriginal Health Database Project
Supported by: Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Government of Ontario, Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres, Centre for Research on Inner City Health (St. Michael’s Hospital).
Since we do not know the full extent of the health issues commonly experienced by urban Aboriginal people, we do not know what interventions are working. This large project will inform effective and culturally appropriate population health programs and policies to improve the health of Aboriginal individuals, families, communities, and nations.
Our overall goal is to improve Ontario’s urban Aboriginal health data by documenting many aspects of peoples’ health and wellbeing – as a baseline. At all stages of this project, many and diverse partners work collaboratively to make health services effective, relevant, and efficient for urban Aboriginal peoples.
Who and what is involved?
Several urban communities are part of this multi-phased project. To date, the urban centres included in this project are Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto, London, and Kenora. Since the inception of this project, an urban Indigenous health information, knowledge, and evaluation (HIKE) network has formed. The HIKE network includes influential representatives from each urban community and members of the research team to share ideas, findings, tools, and resources.
Survey Tools:
Our Health Counts Toronto Survey Tool
Our Health Counts London Survey Tool
Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa Survey Tools
Projects by Community:
Our Health Counts Inuit Ottawa
Our Health Counts Kenora (coming soon)
Our Health Counts Winnipeg (coming soon)
You Tube Links:
Dr. Janet Smylie on Our Health Counts